Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Caroline's Literary Moments

Les Mis (Theatrical Experience)
I have seen this play live 3 times - once a few months ago in London.  Every time it is utterly magnificent.  I have never read the book - it is quite daunting - but I feel like after each showing, I don't need too (some of you may not agree with that).  It is one of the longest running plays, and viewers can see how much love the actors have for their job.  Also, a book does not have the wonderful music inside of it, like "Empty chair at Empty Tables".

Screwtape Letters (Reading Literature Privately)
I like books with stories, self help books really have no interest to me.  This one, which is a little bit of both, captivating me with each word.  I learned so much about repentance and love and better oneself and I have never annotated a book more - not even a textbook.

Romeo and Juliet (Memorization of Literature)
I had to memorize the prologue in ninth grade, maybe a few of us did.  I don't believe that is one of his better plays, but I think the prologue is beautiful and really sets a stage for a wonderful show.  I actually remember most of it!  I also think with it being one of his more popular shows, it is an important piece of literature to read and have a personal experience with. 

Jesus the Christ (Religious Literary Experience)
I read this twice while on my mission, and I want to read it maybe ten more times.  This is a wonderful account of Christ's life! Talmage did a wonderful job sharing the story of Christ from the beginning of time and into the future.  I love how there are scriptures from both the Bible and the BofM and quotes from prophets and many other written words.  I wish it wasn't such a large book and it was easier to read, but it is worth every word and every hour spent on it. 

Poem (Foreign Literary Experience)
So this might be a little different than what is expected, but while on my mission, I wrote multiple poems in Spanish, which was my mission language.  It was incredibly hard - especially with rhyme and scheme, but I treasure those poems.  They helped me write something that I couldn't share with those around me.  Even going back to read them now brings back feelings that English wouldn't. 

Lord of the Rings (Cinematic Literary Experience)
I haven't read all 3 of the books, but I have seen the movies too many times to count.  Peter Jackson really made the movies exactly how they should be.  The actors chosen so well, that they really emulate the characters in the books.  He truly did everything a director should do to a movie from a book adaption, they really could not have been any more perfect.  Like Les Mis, it makes me feel like I don't even have to read the books, and really, who has time to read 10 pages just about trees.  JRR Tolkien is amazing!


  1. I seriously need to read the LoTR series. Every time I read a snippet somewhere, it's genius!

  2. I loved reading Jesus the Christ! The way that Talmage weaves in scriptural evidence from all of the standard works to tell the stories of Jesus and testify of His mission is really inspiring.
