Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Rowen's Literary Moments

Reverence [reading literature privately]

I read Ender's Game fairly late in comparison to many of my peers. Typically, I would bounce thoughts and ideas about whatever I happened to be reading at the time off of my mother, since she was the only other person in the house, , but not so with Ender's Game - my mother never liked the story, so I never really got to talk about it. The further I got, the less people who had recommended it to me were interested in what I had to say about it, and so the less I talked about it. I read the final chapters alone in my bedroom . . . I don't cry at books, I never have. But the final pages of Ender's Game made me glad that I could experience in the privacy of my own mind. I closed the book, and reverently placed it back on the shelf.

A Very Different Christmas Story[Cinematic Literary Experience]
I can't remember if I saw Hogfather or read it first, but either way the visuals and narration I associate with the story thanks to it's cinematic adaptation stick with me every time I read or watch it. I cannot unhear the voice of Death teaching a human about why belief matters.

This Story is Nothing Special [Literary Coping]
Somewhere in the internet, there is a blog which contains all of my most embarrassing angsty teenage poetry. I had a lot of angst, a lot of teenage, and a lot less poetry.

Words I Did Not Understand [Literature Performed/Theatrical Experience/ Foreign Literary Experience/ Sublime Literary Experience]
I know there's an entirely different subset for music-as-literature, but this actually falls in multiple categories. I recently had the opportunity to attend a concert by The Hu, a Mongolian Rock band which uses traditional throat singing and electric guitars to revitalize Mongolian culture. I can't put into words how I feel about their music, and I'm not really sure which category this story goes into, but it belongs somewhere.

Nothing I Write Makes Sense [Creatively Composing]

I've written very few songs that I'm actually proud of. Two specifically come to mind- one I wrote on my mission after I had vowed not to write sad music whilst serving the Lord (a choice with debatable legitimacy) The second I composed while I was a confused mess about romance. Turns out that was the only good love song I've ever written.

Going to Open Mics is Fun :/ [Literary Envy]

I'm sorry that so few of my stories have to do with traditional literature. Until I became too busy with school to manage, I attended the open mic at Velour for about a month. I really admire the musicians there, both for their content and compositional skill, but I cannot help but feel raw whenever I go. Its also spurred me to attempt to be more creative than I have been recently, so that's good. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like that you kept a blog with all your teenage angsty poetry! I have a similar online journal where I write things out when I need to do some literary coping. I kept one for each year since I was 18 year now and I have a good love-hate relationship with it. Yes there is a lot of cringy stuff in there but it also helps me remember the things I was feeling and see how I've grown and changed over the time.
