Friday, January 10, 2020

Savannah's Academic Writing Self-Assessment

Although I'm not a professional writer by any means I've found that one of my strengths is finding effective and convincing research to support my argument and claim. In my Writing 150 class my freshman year we wrote a final argumentative research paper and I feel like I had found very applicable evidence to support my argument that poverty levels are affecting high school drop out rates. However, when starting this paper it took me weeks and weeks to come up with my topic and I changed it a few times in the process. I think I need to find a new way to come up with topics that are meaningful and applicable to my academic writing. Another aspect of my academic writing that I could work on is drafting my essays out earlier. In the past, I have been a bit of a procrastinator and I tend just to skip all drafting stages and just sort of "vomit" my essay onto the page and turn it in the next day. I think if I improved my drafting skills I would have more time to edit and improve my writing.


  1. I feel like I'm totally the opposite- I have a really hard time finding good sources. If you have any tips on ways to find reliable research please let me know!!

  2. I am such a procrastinator as well. I need to start my papers earlier to allow a longer revision process.

  3. Good job! argumentative papers are a great skill to have.

  4. Oh I definitely sympathize with the struggle to come up with an idea for a paper!! It can be so hard sometimes.

  5. I can relate to the whole procrastination aspect on writing papers. I have an issue with that as well, and I completely agree that having a rough draft can help with that.
