Screwtape writes letters to his humble servant, Wormwood, about bringing people's souls to "Our Father Below", but is that truly the meaning behind his famous letters?
Dear Screwtape,
My affectionate teacher, you taught me much about, “Our Father Below”. A lot which was new to me and something which I never would have thought about before. It is written that, as humans, we have the power to turn to the light or the dark. There is power for us to choose and fight for our side in this great war. You wrote about this in context with prayer: “Whenever there is prayer, there is danger of His own immediate action” (17). You don’t write who we should pray too, but we have the power to pray and choose, whereas, I choose to pray to Our Father Above, dear Screwtape.
Screwtape, you taught me about the power of people, as a whole, “We want the Church to be small, not only that fewer men may know the Enemy, but also that those who do may acquire the uneasy intensity and the defensive self-righteousness of a secret society or a clique” (33). I grew up in a family who loved, Our Father Above, and we don’t see Him as the Enemy, but in your teachings to Wormwood, you tell us to band together and teach others about Him, so we can conquer the Father Below. There is great fear in numbers. You know that, and we do too. It is our earthly goal to grow our numbers to fight off you and the power of down under. I spent eighteen months of my life working in Bolivia to bring people to the Real Father, and I would do it again if I knew that it would mean there would be fewer of you.
However, you know our weaknesses. You know who we really are. “Humans are amphibians – half spirit and half animal” (37). This is something we all know and are constantly fighting with each day. You attack our carnal side, which keeps our spirit even further away from Our Father Above. We fight to grow the spirit and make that stronger than the carnal side. You fight to take the individual to your Father Below, but I will not heed your call, because my spirit is stronger than the carnal. Even though I feel forsaken, after the carnal side takes over, I still obey. Because of this, you cannot win. Another great teacher speaks on this subject, C.S. Lewis states, “You don’t have a soul, you are a soul, you have a body.” As my body is weak sometimes, my soul can win.
You teach Wormwood to turn humans’ minds away from Him, and that is the easiest way to capture them, and not to put things into the minds of people, but rather to keep things out (45). You know this to be true and you have seen it happen successfully, but those who love Him are not idle beings, and we are determined to win this lengthy war. I know that we can’t doubt your power and determination to take as many souls with you as possible. I know the best thing to do to combat this, is to always keep a prayer in my heart. I do know it is not an easy thing to do though, it’s a shame you are so powerful. This is because it is easier for us to fall away, because the reward is not great. Father promises us mansions in the heavens and an eternity at His side, and what do you promise us? Only happiness in this life, and it is known that we will ultimately only have misery in the next.
You spoke well about what Christianity means and what it means to be Christian. This word means something different to many that might use it. You helped me realize more of what it means through the letters to your dear servant, Wormwood. Christianity is not an idle word; it is something that requires action. Christianity is being a soul over a carnal body. It is turning to Our Father Above and fighting against the real Enemy. It is being selfless and turning the mind away from the negative and bad. It is not an easy thing though, there are those like you and Wormwood who are out and trying to turn us away from what really matters. Christian symbolism is everywhere, because deep down, that is what we all want. We want the heavens and we want our Father. Architecture points upward because our eyes go towards the heavens. You can't win this fight, because we are already ahead of you.

You write letters with your pupil, Wormwood, this shows your desire to teach men what you know. You are doing more than that though, you are Wormwood’s greatest example. It is a shame that you are using your great talents and dedication in such a negative way. We desire to have you with us, fighting for Our Father Above, but we are ready to fight against you, if that’s what you choose.
Screwtape, you are a strong warrior in this fight and one who should be greatly admired. I learned a lot from your book, but I am not your soldier. Your teachings can then be used against you and your men. You see the “chink in our armor” and that’s when you know to attack (129). You know you will lose this battle, but you are trying to get as many of the good souls to go down with you as you can.
I am beginning to believe, Screwtape, that you are not as evil as you think you are.
Humbly, Caroline
Image credits:
The Deep, Jackson Pollock, 1953, oil and enamel on canvas
Notre Dame, 1163 - 1345, Paris, France
Woah, this gave me goosebumps! I love how you can read and love the book but not agree with Screwtape's point of view. I think that's an important skill to learn.
ReplyDeleteLove the styling of this! Such a good book and you gave an important perspective.