Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Caroline's Exploration Report

I chose to do my report on "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost.

I first opened up Pinterest, because that is where I normally waste my time when I am bored.  The images of art are what initially caught my eye.  It is very aesthetically pleasing to see the images with  the fire and ice at odds with one another.  Some that are even present in the same person.  This image stood out to me as one that is showing the destruction of both.  I even saw of few from the popular "Game of Thrones" and I think my liking to that show is also what drew me back to this poem.  One image showed the ice character surrounded by ice and the fire character vice versa.  The images from the TV series are making this poem more popular and really reawakening its popularity.   

I found a lecture from a professor about the symbolism behind fire and ice.  Fire was related to desire and ice to hate.  Both seem to be qualities found in people that could ruin this world.  Desire can burn the world depending on what it is that people desire, and then ice can harden the hearts with hate.  I found this to be an interesting analysis of the two words and two qualities that can destroy this world.  I especially thought about this with the two characters from "Game of Thrones" because that is a big part of what comes up in the search while I was looking up this poem.  I think the popularity of this show will really alter the meaning behind this poem and I find this contemporary analysis very interesting. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job finding a lecture. I hadn’t thought of suggesting that and I should have done so. And using the images to take you to a comparison with a contemporary show (Game of Thrones) is the sort of thing that could wake up interest in a very common and familiar poem.
