Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Matt's Exploration Report

Focusing on "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe

We just read this poem in class and the way my professor explained it really peaked my interest so I wanted to do some exploring on the internet focusing on this poem.

The first place I went to was the all knowing google search bar. I searched "The Raven Edgar Allan Poe" and went to images to see what would pop up. The first image that caught my was a cool picture of a raven sitting atop of a skull. For some reason it was very Poe-esque. However, the image I most enjoyed was of a raven but with the words of the poem forming the raven's figure. I started thinking about the different meanings and what kinds of layers that can add to the poem by having the words of the poem form the raven. Below are the images references above respectively:

After searching google I went to Reddit to find some other information and posts about this famous poem. I stumbled across this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ravens/comments/evrpwn/today_is_the_175th_anniversary_of_baltimorean/. This link gives us some information about the Ravens, an NFL team from Baltimore. Apparently, the team is named after this poem. The link above takes us to this link: https://www.baltimoreravens.com/team/history/naming-the-team. This link takes us to the official site of the Ravens that confirms that this team is named after this poem. I guess the people in Baltimore really enjoy their Poe.

All in all I really enjoyed doing some exploring focusing on a literary work. I found some cool and surprising information!

1 comment:

  1. I think this was some pretty light searching. Nothing on reddit except how the poem relates to the football team? Yes, you could use that aspect of today’s culture as a way into the poem, but you haven’t really thought through how. Go beyond a Google image search. You were given many options and I don’t want you to default to the most common.
